Please do not believe that the weather will be as bad as the forecast.
The forecasters always promise that the weather will be twice as wet as it is, in an excess of caution, ever since the hurricane in 1987. They are not true sailors and are intent on spoiling everyone's fun. We had a splendid day's sailing on Monday, as the sun popped its head out straight after lunch. There were only 3 scale modellers with a trawler of Steve's that I had not seen before. Ken made a special effort and Paul Golder was at home, helping a stair lift to rise again.
Colin started the meeting by welcoming everyone and saying how well the club is going. We have with a new member, Paul Kerrigan, with his Df95 yacht all ready to sail.
We have smart new RMBC and MPRSC signs by the entrance gate and very clear numbers on the 6 new yellow pickup buoys. A new safety handrail alongside hedge by the steps, is due any day. No accidents have been reported and everyone either requesting assistance with launching or walking safely down the steps carrying yachts in the approved fashion. Please do ask if you would benefit from help of any kind, especially launching and retrieval. I have a spare yacht and spare everything else in the car. Charges for yacht rescue from the lake are currently waived… On Wednesday a dinghy set off beautifully from the beach, without any crew. The red rescue boat caught up with it beyond the far side of the island. So it is not just us.
(The new yellow buoys are staying smart due to an unexpected feature. On Wednesday, further round the lake, every single red, blue, black and white buoy had a sea gull perched on top. There were no birds at all on the RMBC buoys, as the birds evidently cannot perch on the handles).
The coal bunker is acting as a safe store for the Scale Modellers, so we do not not risk stuff becoming damaged in the original shared cabin.
The website is working. We have plans to update the format on Paul's behalf.
Funds are currently £547.17, secure in Alan's red cashbox, as he has mislaid the keys. To be invoiced are the buoys and weights, total about £200. It is planned for Dave Marsh to try picking the lock of the small cash box, before resorting to more forceful access measures, for which there were quite a few volunteers. Colin said that we are benefitting from bequests and clear-outs, which include life jackets, yachts and scale models. This is much appreciated and helps keep us thriving.
There is a static yacht, on a plinth, on the window cill that has been donated. Rather like some rehomed animals it has not been accepted by its target family and would benefit from repair to the ratlines and regular dusting. Please take it if you have a spot available.
There followed a discussion about dredging the launching areas for both the the yachts and the scale models. There is not quite enough draught at low lake water levels to launch. We have a new groundsman, Liam Hookham. Colin feels that at the right time removing several more barrow loads from these areas to the drive way or car park, with his assistance, will suffice.
For information MPSC has a big programme to add one more container in the car park for the scouts paddle boards, canoes and kayaks, who fill the lake every summer evening. Then replace this month the 2 rotten leaking containers opposite the the scale modellers launching, ready to buy two newer rescue ribs, this year and two more ribs next year. The ribs are showing their age and need a lot more maintenance, sometimes stopping the sailing. Following that the bank to the ditch behind the containers will be raised to reduce the force of any winter flooding. The 4,000 mm scaffold poles are on site to drive down into the soft bank. 300x1800mm gravel boards will fill the gaps.
I have spare radio lanyards, toolbox numbers, hook eye threaders to pull string through bowsies - all at cost price.
There is an RMBC locker in the clubhouse hallway to the toilets, with race sheets, membership forms and how to buy a Df95. Anything else???
Following sailor's input, we will be having an RMBC Christmas Social Celebration, probably with fish and chips, a presentation of certificates (rather similar to the village dog show prize for the dog with the waggiest tail), at a Monday in December. Paul Golder is keeping a list of all the race results and I am looking forward to handing on the glass trophy.